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This is a collection of curious articles for students who have taken POS 101 - and would like to keep reading and thinking about some of the issues we discussed (plus some we missed).
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Saturday, January 30, 2016
This is a slightly controversial (and short) op-ed piece linking the countercultural revolution of the 1960s to the increasing inequality in the US in recent decades. The author, American writer Kurt Andersen, seems to suggest that the youth rebellion of half a century ago unleashed a force Thinkers like Tocqueville and John Stuart Mill had warned about – asocial individualism.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
In this article, Susan Faludi ( a prominent American feminist) criticizes what she sees as an unfortunate transformation of feminism. She thinks until a few decades ago feminism was a broad social movement aiming to create a better world for all – and liberate men, too, from the shackles of an oppressive socioeconomic success. Now much of what passes for feminism apparently focuses on personal success (and perhaps equal opportunity self-indulgence?) for women belonging to the educated elite.
Monday, January 11, 2016
This is the title of an article by Theodore Dalrymple (the author of the opinion piece making “the case for cannibalism” we assembled and discussed in class). He makes some disturbing observations and draws insightful comparisons between Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and H. G. Wells’s The Time Machine, Jack London’s The Iron Heel, and  George Orwell’s 1984 (and there is also a great dystopian book that is not mentioned – since it was written in Russia – We, by Evgeny Zamyatin). I would rather not give away too much – and would be curious as to what you make of it all. I will post a great article here perhaps once a week for those who would like to continue to read great non-fiction outside of course assignments (which might be the best way to improve your written English). And I will try to respond to all comments and questions. Enjoy!